Our Wishlist

Thank you so much for your support by shopping from our Wish List!

• Forever postage stamps

• White copier paper 8.5 x 11

• Long business envelopes

​​​​​​​• Manilla file folders

​​​​​​​• Coffee: regular and decaf

​​​​​​​• Cans of Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite

​​​​​​​• Juice boxes & small snacks for students
• Bottled Water

• Keurig K- Cups

​​​​​​​• Shelf-stable coffee creamers

​​​​​​​• Hot drink cups with lids

​​​​​​​• Paper towels

​​​​​​​• Toilet paper

​​​​​​​• Gift cards to Tops & Walmart